Ivan Iutin
Senior partner of the Law Firm SION & Partners, Moscow, Russia
Specializes in the field of civil, tax, administrative, housing and land law of the Russian Federation, international arbitration, enforcement of foreign court decisions, legal consulting
Born on March 29, 1981 in Votkinsk, Udmurt Republic of the Russian Federation.
In 2004, he graduated with honors from the Udmurt State University, Faculty of Law.
In 2004, he entered the graduate school of the Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow). Upon completion of the graduate school, he was awarded the academic degree of candidate of legal sciences.
He is an associate professor of the Department of Land Law and State Registration of Real Estate at the Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography.
While a student, he got a job as a legal assistant at the specialized law firm “Inside” (Izhevsk, Russia).
He has over 14 years of experience in his specialty. He has extensive experience representing the interests of individuals and legal entities in courts of general jurisdiction, arbitration courts, commercial arbitration courts, supporting real estate transactions, and advising businesses on corporate issues.
Combined postgraduate studies with work in his specialty and teaching.
Has experience in legislative work, participated in commenting on laws of the Russian Federation as part of a team of authors.
Since 2010, he has headed the law firm Agency for Business Support “Iutin, Belousova and Partners”. Over the years of practice, he has accumulated extensive successful experience in opening companies, making changes to companies, liquidating companies, appealing against illegal actions of government agencies, including tax authorities, obtaining licenses, registering long-term real estate lease agreements, supporting transactions, developing complex contractual structures, conducting legal due diligence when entering an existing business by the company’s clients, and much more.
Since 2015, he has been a partner of the international law firm SION & Partners.
A supporter of a healthy lifestyle. Goes in for swimming.
Has a number of scientific publications.
He is a member of the Association of Lawyers of Russia.
Russia, 115280, Moscow, Avtozavodskaya st., 23A, bldg.2, office 306 (Business center “Park of Legends”)
Phone: +7 926 413 41 38
Whatsapp: +7 926 413 41 38
E-mail: iutin.ivan@gmail.com
Skype: ivaniutin